How To Step Up Your #WFH Style

Source: Unsplash @thoughtcatalog

Source: Unsplash @thoughtcatalog

We’re officially almost 6 months into a global pandemic, and according to a June 2020 study from Stanford, 42% of the U.S population is now working from home. 

Almost half of America is now calling their cluttered kitchen table a desk, or their kid’s Lego-covered playroom their office. Which means it’s probably safe to say that 42% of Americans are also primarily living in pajamas Monday through Friday, and have completely lost all understanding of the term “business casual”.

While we recognize that this full-time foray into the comfy world of nine-to-five sweatpants has been nice, we deeply believe that how we dress directly impacts our mood, behavior, work ethic, and ultimately, our happiness. 

Don’t get us wrong. We love an elastic waistband as much as the next human, and we’re certainly not suggesting that you rock your best stilettos or a suit and tie just to walk from the bathroom to your laptop, but we are suggesting that you think outside the box when it comes to your new-found, #WFH style. 

Source: Unsplash @charlesdeluvio

Source: Unsplash @charlesdeluvio

Here are 3 tips to help you step up your work-from-home fashion game, and go from sweats to style…just in time for your next Zoom meeting.


Anyone who works from home understands the concept of prioritizing. 

Whether you’re fighting the urge to Instagram between assignments, or fending off screaming toddlers during a work call, the ability to use your time wisely and properly schedule is of the essence now more than ever. 

So for our 1st tip, we’re calling upon you to bring that skill to your daily wardrobe

When you’re planning out your week, take a look at the days where you’ll *actually* be jumping on Zoom for work-related meetings vs. the days where you’ll be flying solo at home, and plan your outfits accordingly. 

Are Mondays the catch-up day for emails/writing/computer-driven work? Then treat yourself! Stay in your bathrobe! Sip that cold cup of coffee all damn day and revel in your ability to get things done in your pajamas. 

Source: Unsplash @anastasiiachepinska

Source: Unsplash @anastasiiachepinska

Are Tuesdays weekly 1:1 meetings with your boss? Pick out an elevated, take-on-the-world outfit on Sunday before bed, and rest assured that you won’t be scrambling when you inevitably forget what day of the week it is when meeting day rolls around. 

If Fridays always elicit a group Zoom with all of your coworkers, take the opportunity to express your personal style.

At dressCODE, when we say prioritize, we mean to be smart with your time.

Prioritize the days where you take the time to get dressed, and revel in the days that you don’t. Just make sure that you don’t get caught in your bathrobe for the Friday group meeting…because we’ve done that. And it’s not cute. 


I know we’re used to our therapists and BFFs telling us to “never compromise” but dressCODE is pulling a style card and allowing it this time. 

When it comes to work-from-home fashion, when we say “compromise” we just mean - be easy on yourself.

Dress up what matters (or can be seen on screen) and be comfy everywhere else!

Rock that cute blouse for the camera view, and pair it with your favorite yoga pants that are hidden out of sight. Ditch the heels for comfy moccasins, but throw on an accent jewelry piece up top where it counts. Skip the shower and say yes to the dry-shampoo-messy-bun look, but wow your coworkers with a bold red lip instead! 

Source: Unsplash @honestpaws

Source: Unsplash @honestpaws

When we say compromise, we just mean: pick your battles

Because if you dress for comfort on the bottom half, and give just a *tiny* bit of attention to a few elements of your look on the top, we promise that not only will you look more presentable, but more importantly, you’ll feel better too.

C’mon. You know a bold red lip makes you feel like you can take over the world...especially when you’re secretly pants-less during a work meeting.


This is probably our favorite tip of all because it requires absolutely no explanation!

When it comes to work-from-home style, we believe that accessories truly are a fashionista’s best friend. The possibilities are truly endless:

Throw on an eclectic earring or a gold hoop with a basic T-shirt, and elevate from “uber casual” to “stylish” in seconds.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

Tie a decorative scarf or bandana in your hair to elevate an otherwise neutral pallet. 

Source: Pinterest @blomst

Source: Pinterest @blomst

Pair a bright lip with almost anything and you’ll feel instantly brighter, fresher, and more put-together.

Source: Unsplash @jornadaprodutora

Source: Unsplash @jornadaprodutora

Choose a bold necklace to add a pop of style to a casual or classic top.

Source: Pinterest @whowhatwear

Source: Pinterest @whowhatwear

Pick out a bright, colorful, matching set and add a sleek top knot for a look that’s secretly easy, but deceivingly stylish.

Source: Pinterest @whowhatwear

Source: Pinterest @whowhatwear

There you have it! Our top 3 tips to elevate your work-from-home style. So go forth and Prioritize, Compromise, and Accessorize - because how you present yourself to the world really does count, even when it’s through a computer screen. 

And remember to join us at dressCODE - where we provide convenient access to top stylists who can help you build a wardrobe that reflects the best version of you. 

With stylist approved outfits at your fingertips, getting dressed has never been easier!