Meet Emily Isacksen - CEO + Founder, dressCODE


Female Founded + Female Funded

Clothing gives you confidence. Confidence gives you power. And power can transform your life.” // Emily Isacksen

I may not be a stylist, but I am an innovator. And about five years ago I realized that I had a problem:

I had a closet full of clothes, and no idea how to wear them. 

I was a twenty-something between jobs who had been everything from a tech start-up assistant to a game-show prize-buyer. And as I prepared for yet another interview, I found myself sitting in my closet staring at a menagerie of clothes that fit the girl that I used to be, not the woman I had become. I knew how I wanted to look but I didn’t know how to get there.

Then it hit me: if I was feeling this way, there must be others in the same position. That’s when the idea of dressCODE was born. 

In my life, style has been the backdrop of some of the most pivotal moments. How we dress tells people how to treat us and inspires confidence-- even when we might not have it. I still remember the outfit I donned on my last day at one of the top five talent agencies in the world and the vintage tweed blazer I wore when I landed my Tinder interview. 

With the help of two female angel investors, years of hard work, and immense personal growth, I brought that vision to life not only for me but for all the men and women out there who want to unleash their full potential. At dressCODE, our mission is to empower people to live the life of their dreams, one outfit at a time.

It’s worked for me and I know it will work for you.