Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Personal Stylist


At dressCODE, we believe that opening up your closet doors should elicit joy. That each piece of your wardrobe should fit both your bod (and your personality) like a glove. And that getting dressed in the morning should be easy breezy!

Unfortunately for most people...this just isn't the case. 

After chatting with friends and scouring the internet, we’ve come to learn that rather than looking forward to exercising their right to be stylish, most people feel like they have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear, and that finding the right pieces to flatter their shape is next to impossible. 

To top it all off: 10% of women say that they feel depressed when they open their closet. That means that a cool 3.9M people are straight up *sad* when they get dressed in the morning... you guys! In a world where there are so many things to actually be bummed about, choosing an outfit should not be one of them. 

And that’s why we’re comin’ in hot this week, with the top three reasons to hire a personal stylist. Because we believe that everyone deserves to feel good in their own skin, and even better in a great outfit - and that a personal stylist is no longer a luxury that should be reserved for the wealthy and elite. We maintain that if you get dressed in the morning, (no matter how glam your day job may or may not be), you owe it to yourself to feel good doing it! 

Our goal is to make personal styling and shopping services accessible to everyone, everywhere. So have a peek at our list below, and give yourself permission to prioritize your signature style, with the gift of an affordable personal stylist. 

Here are the top 3 reasons to hire a personal stylist: 

1- To discover what fit, fabric, and colors work best for your body

A personal stylist will give it to you straight: they’ll tell you what fits, what doesn’t, and how to properly flatter the shape that is uniquely yours. They’ll also provide expert advice on color theory and help to pinpoint the colors and fabrics that will compliment your features and skin tone. In addition to helping you curate a closet that’s tailored to your body, they’ll help you widdle down old pieces that no longer serve you, and upgrade to ones that flatter. Add in their wisdom about reliable pieces that never go out of style, current trends, and outdated fads, and you’ve basically got your own personal wardrobe Yoda. 


2- To learn how to style outfits with the clothes you already own

A personal stylist will offer a fresh perspective on how to create outfits with the pieces that you have hanging in your closet, saving you time and money. Most people have a lot of clothes but no clue how to style them, which means that they tend to gravitate toward the same go-to outfit combinations day after day. But with the fresh eyes of an expert, the wardrobe that you previously deemed tired and boring, will have dozens of new options. They might pair that old white blazer you forgot about, with that silky dress you thought was too dressy - showing you a fresh new way to wear a few of your favorite pieces. Bonus: after they’ve sifted through your wardrobe and dreamed up your new outfits, they can snap flat lay pictures on your phone, giving you a virtual lookbook of stylist approved outfits at your fingertips. 


3- To shop for one-of-a-kind quality pieces that are uniquely you 

A personal stylist will teach you the fundamentals of how to shop smarter and faster, because they know the consumer world like the back of their hand. Whether it’s a search for seasonal inventory, a question on how to incorporate vintage pieces, or understanding what section of the store is made for you, a professional can help you streamline your shopping experience and maximize your budget. They’ll pull pieces you might normally pass by, and fill your dressing room with curated options based on your body, budget and lifestyle. And they’ll strategically shop for what you *actually need*, helping you to avoid impulse purchases, and subsequently...a closet full of weird, cheap crop tops that you only bought because they were five bucks. Bottom line: a personal stylist will help you to invest in pieces that are sustainable, economical, and complimentary to the wardrobe that you already have.

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And there you have it, friends! Our top three reasons to hire a personal stylist. We could go on for days about the benefits of having an expert help you curate your capsule wardrobe, but the truth is: dressing for success on the outside requires us to believe in ourselves on the inside. “Clothing affects how other people perceive us, as well as how we think about ourselves”, and the correlation between our clothes and our cognitive process (enclothed cognition) is very real!

The personal style that we present to the world really does have the ability to serve as a calling card for the life that we want and deserve. 

So join us at dressCODE - where we provide convenient access to top stylists who can help you build a wardrobe that reflects the best version of you. Soon, you’ll be able to download our app and book an in-person or virtual appointment with an expert who can transform your public image, and increase your self-confidence.