Our Stance on Sustainability


Picture this: It’s a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of a global pandemic and you’ve just finished cleaning out your closet for the fifteenth time.  You take a step back to admire your fresh wardrobe, tie up a donation bag full of old clothes, and pat yourself on the back. You feel accomplished, your space looks great, and to boot, your clothes are just minutes away from finding a happy home in the nearest Goodwill store.

You’re really doing your part for the community, right? 


Here’s the harsh reality, friends: On average, a single American throws away a whopping 70 pounds of clothing each year, and of those 15 million tons that get tossed out globally, only a measly 15% get recycled. That means that the other 85% of textiles that *don’t* make it to your used clothing store shelves, have enough heft to fill the Sydney Harbor annually. That’s...a lot of discarded ex-boyfriend t-shirts. 

I don’t mean to overwhelm you with numbers here - your attempts at passing on your gently used items are, I’m sure, lead with the best of intentions. But with our precious environment in a total state of disarray, it would be irresponsible for us, as a company, to ignore the cold hard facts about the fast fashion industry. 

And that’s why we want to encourage our clients to be conscious consumers, while creating a community that embraces the three “R”s - Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse. 

At dressCODE, our goal is to minimize the environmental impacts of fashion consumption, one closet at a time.

Through the creation of user-friendly guides to recycling resources in your local community, we’ll help you to recycle what no longer serves you, in a way that’s impactful in the long-term, and not just a pit stop before the landfill.

We’ll always help our clients to reduce their overall fashion consumption, by encouraging them to invest in pieces that will last years - not just months. Because the pieces that are made with sustainable materials, by manufacturers that pay attention to quality and not quantity, are the ones with integrity. And those are the pieces and brands that we truly support and can get behind. 

And lastly, by getting creative, and sparking new joy in old pieces, we’ll help you to increase the lifetime value of clothes that you already own, and reuse what you’ve got in your closet. We truly believe that there’s no reason to buy something new, if you can repurpose something that you already have.

So, let’s do this! Sign up for our newsletter below to join our community.  Let’s connect through clothes and make a difference together!